I've said it before and I'll say it again..
~2 weeks is definitely not enough time to complete Module 1!~
So Pn. Foziah gave us the lesson today to complete our Module 1.
Can you imagine the 30-something of us frantically typing, printscreen-ing and saving our work?
It was eerily quiet in the class that day (well, that's an understatement but we were all trying our best to complete the module)
It was so kind of Pn. Foziah to take the trouble to look at our work as some of us were having trouble going through the software and she was ever ready to give us a hand.
I realized one thing: Some of the software I have never heard of (Zamzar, Abclit). So in a way, this module has opened my eyes to the fact that I can use other software to carry out my work and not just the normal ones we use everyday. There are more variety and many options to choose from.
At the end of the day, Pn. Foziah told us that we are to go to her office on Thursday to collect Module 3 which was on audio-editing.
10 years ago
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